The silk tree


The silk tree

In Iida Park near my temple, the silk tree is in full bloom now with a sweet scent. Its scientific name is "Albizia Julibrissin", or "Nemunoki : the sleeping tree" in Japanese, or "Goukanboku : the happy together tree" in Chinese. The leaves fold up at night as though it's sleeping like a happy couple. Therefore, it's a symbol of matrimonial happiness in China. The lyrics of "Nemunoki lullaby" ( ) written by Empress Michiko in her high school days is very beautiful. Like the Nemunoki tree, happiness is becoming one with love. There is so much joy in becoming one in our life with our partner, friends, master, nature, music, good books, and so on.

ねむの詩 癒されますね。
Posted by 本田哲康 一風 at 2018年06月23日 11:08

The silk tree